How to get Niched
Step 1
The Seminar
The “Acting-Niche” Phenomenon™ Seminar is a significant first step towards discovering your unique “Acting-Niche”™. This entertaining and informative seminar is designed to wake you up to what the best of the best are actually doing in our industry. It is also designed to help you prepare for your very special niche session.
Step 2
The Niche Session
The “Acting-Niche”™ session is a thorough 3 to 4 hour one-on-one session that determines your specific “Acting-Niche”™ beyond a doubt. John developed a story-based pop-culture technique over 20 years ago that is 100% guaranteed to discover your unique “Acting-Niche.”™
Step 3

Strategies for Success
After the niche session, you’ll be in the driver’s seat for the very first time in your career. It will have a massive effect on every decision you make from head-shot, reel, website design and clothing to haircut, make-up and pitching. This is where we significantly add-value and start helping you experience the day-in day-out mini-successes that lead to habitual success.
"The most important thing to remember is: Do not try to “niche” yourself, and do not have a friend try to “niche” you either.
It won’t work. Why? Because the blind-spot in our psyches is very real. Remember: Even I had to train someone to discover my own “Acting-Niche”™. This isn’t a game, folks. Work with trained professionals. You’ll never regret it."
- John Dapolito
Note: All information discussed during the niche session remains private.
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Imagine a young Philip Seymour Hoffman wants to determine his acting profile and schedules a private session with John. The session would start with some pop-culture questions. The conversation would progress until the “acting-niche” – that charismatic-basketball player – is revealed. Through the system of questions and guided conversation. John is able to determine the “meditation-pattern” that is Philip Seymour Hoffman’s “acting-niche.” John announced Phillips niche back in 2003. Way before most of these films were ever made. That’s how powerful this work is.

Sexual Perversity & Addiction
Boogie Nights
Shopping & Fucking
Punch-Drunk Love
Owning Mahowny
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
25th Hour
Cold Mountain
Almost Famous
Love Liza
The “Acting-Niche” Phenomenon™
Founded in 2003 by John Dapolito, The Acting-Niche Phenomenon™ is a powerful look at each individual artist’s energy-vibration-frequency and the extraordinary signal they are emitting 24/7. Think of it as a radio wave being sung out into the world. The only problem is – you don’t know what music or station you’re on. This is where John comes in. Through a cutting edge pop-culture technique, John reveals how the professional actor is exactly placed both in the world and in the business. Yes, it’s that profound. The entire process is designed to bring the actor into the light of self-realization aka their charismatic Acting-Niche™.
It’s simple, success starts at the level of the mind (psyche), and since the actor is the product, and that product – you – is the result of how you are thinking, it’s best to know what you’re thinking at the core-self i.e. ( 24/7 frequency.) But do you know what your frequency is? Are you able to articulate it? Can you determine your own subconscious tendencies? Most likely not, yet this frequency is helming your life/career choices 24/7. Now, that’s a lot of time and energy to be choosing something unconsciously without reaping the rewards. Let’s change that, shall we?
This is where John comes in. John helps the actor discover this key information. What he calls the “acting-niche”. John then guides the actor to understand that key information, articulate it, and explore it creatively. Since each artist’s psyche is completely unique (like a psychological finger-print), the one-on-one private session aka niche-session, makes perfect sense for the serious professional actor. Make no mistake, knowing which producers, filmmakers, writers, and directors you should be targeting narrows the field and creates focused attention. Knowing what you offer them is ever better. The “acting-niche” will dramatically influence your head-shot, reel, choice of clothing, confidence and ability to speak intelligently when asked, “What do you do?” or “How do you see yourself?”
Why is this Acting-Niche™ so valuable? Let’s go off-campus for a moment and use sports as our metaphor. Think about Michael Jordan playing basketball. Amazing, right? Now think about Michael Jordan playing baseball. Do you remember that? Not so amazing. So – what makes MJ so charismatic with one sport, but just ho-hum with the other? This is the same problem every professional actor faces, isn’t it? How to determine (as soon as possible) the roles that will be their “charismatic-basketball” game, so they can avoid “striking out” in the majors.
The power of this Acting-Niche™ is that the guessing game is finally over. The niched actor is now able to articulate exactly who they are, and what they offer creatively. The niched actor is able to now choose charismatic-roles whether it’s under-fives or lead roles.
Step One: Get to The “Acting-Niche” Phenomenon™ Seminar and hear John out.
See You Soon!

Forever know what roles to play

Why gamble your career when you could know for sure who you are and what you offer?
We all have psychological blind spots, it’s part of human nature. It’s how we survive difficulty. These blind spots are very real and I assure you, you are not the exception to the rule as unique and as beautiful as you are. You need a highly trained, naturally skilled, second party, who is without bias to move past these unconscious blind spots. The niche session aka private session affords you the opportunity to know beyond-a-shadow-of-a-doubt what you bring to the table as an actor. Knowing what you offer filmmakers, producers, directors, writers, agents, managers and casting directors, is a major game-changer. After all you are the product, right? The bottom line: We are going to discover your “Acting-Niche.”™

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Seminar Sampler
This is an interactive taste of what you will experience upon signing-up for The "Acting-Niche" Phenomenon™ Seminar. Access your FREE intro-sampler and get started on your journey with John today.